Programs & Services
who are we?
about hills & dales
Our mission is to build meaningful lives for individuals with disabilities by offering services that support the whole person and enhance community inclusion.
We are:
Service - Hills & Dales services are provided based on quality-driven standards. We continually evaluate, improve and expand programs and services to respond to the evolving needs, desires and choices of persons with disabilities.
Hills & Dales is a culturally diverse place where each staff member is proud to carry out the mission of the organization. Hills & Dales is persistent in recognizing staff achievements, and providing on-going training and development opportunities in an environment that supports and provides creative thinking, open communication and feedback.
Community Relations - Hills & Dales is an advocate for public policy which supports the needs, desires and choices of persons with disabilities. Hills & Dales is recognized within the community as the leading resource by and for persons with disabilities and considered by the community as a priority for charitable giving.
Finance and Resources - Hills & Dales advocates for public policy that assures adequate resources are available to support the needs and desires of persons with disabilities. Hills & Dales will honor our obligation to stakeholders through efficiently managing public and private resources.
In 1966, Jamie Barwick was born to Elaine Barwick. While only a few days old Jamie became very ill.
Elaine’s love for her son, and her realization that services designed to meet his needs were not available in the area, combined with her compassion to help others, resulted in Hills & Dales’s establishment in 1973.
The organization was founded with the belief that every individual has a right to personal development in an atmosphere of love and affection.
This video highlights many things about the past 50 years of Hills & Dales!
ivy’s story
This is one, of many, stories of families supported by Hills & Dales.

hills & dales happenings
Check out the latest program and activity updates here!
Share your time, talent, or treasure!
Opportunities for individuals or groups. Contact us today!
Gifts accepted online, via check or through other assets.
Hills & Dales is grateful to be a recipient of many grants and we would not be able to build meaningful lives without the support of these generous funders.
Boards of Directors
Operations Board members
President: Tony Pfohl, The Fischer Companies
Vice President: Bradley Kemp, MidWestOne Bank
Treasurer: Nicole Johnson, PSSI
Secretary: Judy Lochner, Community Volunteer
Past President: Charlie Hartig, Hartig Drug
Members At Large:
Alex Andrade, Medical Associates Clinic
Dr. John Callahan, Medical Associates Clinic
Eric Foy, HTLF
Clare Gill, Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce
Al Krueger, Community Volunteer
Dustin Manternach, Peninsula Pacific Entertainment
Chris Theisen, Theisen’s Home * Farm * Auto
Jim Weber, Community Volunteer
Foundation Board Members
President: Mike Ruden, Origin Design
Vice President: Craig Schaefer, Loras College
Secretary/Treasurer: Jan Powers, Community Volunteer
Past President: Keith Sindberg, TRICOR Insurance
Members At Large:
Tom Flogel, Mulgrew Oil Co.
Brian Kane, Kane, Norby & Reddick, P.C.
Rob McDonald, A.Y. McDonald
Nick Patrum, Dubuque Bank & Trust
Tony Pfohl, The Fischer Companies
Tori Richter, Community Volunteer
Wendy Scardino, Dubuque Forward
Natalie Schramm, Peninsula Pacific Entertainment